Westchester County submitted an update of the report titled “Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice” Chapter 12 to H.U.D. on March 20, 2017. The report and report appendices are below.

Analysis of Impediments July 2017 Chapter 12

HUD July 14, 2017 Response to VHB July 13, 2017 AI Submission

Analysis of Impediments March 2017, Chapter 12

VHB Errata sheet for March 20, 2017 AI submission

HUD April 10, 2017 response to the VHB March 20, 2017 AI submission

County’s response to HUD April 10 review letter

Analysis of Impediments December 2016, Chapter 12

HUD Dec. 29, 2016 response to VHB December 2016 AI submission

Cover Letter to HUD, April 24, 2013

Analysis of Impediments April 2013, Chapters 1-11

Analysis of Impediments April 2013, Chapter 12

Appendix 1. Fair Housing Marketing Plan

Appendix 2. Fair Housing Outreach and Education Plan

Appendix 3. Centralized Intake And Housing Outreach Plan

Appendix 4. Fair and Affordable Housing Implementation Plan

Appendix 5. Census Tables Protected Class Analysis

Appendix 6. Housing Mortgage Data

Appendix 7. Fair Housing Complaints

Appendix 8. Municipal, County, School, and Special District Tax Rates 2005 - 2009

Appendix 9. Bee-Line Onboard Survey

Appendix 10. Land Use Report (25 MB)

Appendix 11. Affordable Housing Ordinance Zoning Review

Appendix 12. Municipal Zoning Abstracts

Appendix 13. Access To Employment Centers Study

Appendix 14. List of Survey Contacts

Appendix 15. Sample Survey

Appendix 16. Survey Summaries (Excel Tables)

Appendix 17. Draft Buildout Analysis Results

Appendix 18. Housing Meetings 2010-2012

Appendix 19. “Office Park Housing” dated March 2008

Appendix 20. Referral Letters

Appendix 21. Saw Mill Pocantico Stormwater Management Recon Plan 2012

Appendix 22. Municipal Zoning Analysis Report - February 2012

Appendix 23. Professor Nolon’s report, June 2012

Appendix 24. Order of the United States District Court, July 2012

Appendix 25. Status of Allocation per Affordable Housing Allocation Plan

Appendix 26. Monitor’s correspondence to the District Court July 2012

Appendix 27. County’s correspondence and table, August 2012 

Appendix 28. Tables (62) on racial and ethnic composition of zones, August 2012   

Appendix 29. Personnel involved in the preparation of the February 2012 Zoning Submission

Appendix 30. Methodology for Considering the Cost and Geographic Implications of the Six Questioned Zoning Practices

Appendix 31. Map identifying zoning districts in the 31 eligible municipalities that permit multi-family development

Appendix 32. Table of acreage, by eligible municipality, in zoning districts that permit multi-family development

Appendix 33. Map of developed and undeveloped land in multi-family zoning districts of the eligible municipalities 

Appendix 34. Table of developed and undeveloped land, by eligible municipality, within multi-family zoning districts

Appendix 35. Detailed maps for each of the 31 eligible municipalities, of development and constraints in multi-family zoned areas

Appendix 36. Table of undeveloped acreage within each zoning district, by each of the eligible municipalities

Appendix 37. Table identifying the constrained undeveloped acreage in each of the eligible municipalities

Appendix 38. Table of theoretical number of multi-family units that can be developed on undeveloped acreage

Appendix 39. Map of undeveloped parcels outside of areas served by public and private water suppliers

Appendix 40. Map of undeveloped parcels outside of areas served by County sewer district facilities

Appendix 41. Table identifying the prevailing market rate for multi-family units in each of the 31 eligible municipalities 

Appendix 42. Table identifying the multi-family unit value and land value per unit by quartile in each eligible municipality

Appendix 43. Table identifying the cost of construction of Westchester County-funded multi-family units

Appendix 44. Table identifying density incentives for affordable housing in zoning ordinances of each of the 31 eligible municipalities

Appendix 45. Table identifying the area and percentage of land zoned to permit building of multi-family housing in each of the 31 eligible municipalities

Appendix 46. Table identifying any zoning ordinance provisions for streamlined affordable housing approval process in each of the eligible municipalities

Appendix 47. Monitor’s correspondence to the County, October 2012

Appendix 48. County’s correspondence in response to the Monitor’s request for excel files of revised racial data, October 2012

Appendix 49. County’s correspondence regarding update of Allocation Plan table, November 2012

Appendix 50. County’s correspondence identifying the percentage of populations in each zoning district, November 2012

Appendix 51. County’s Sixth Zoning Analysis

Appendix 52. LULA Training Program Participant List

Appendix 53. CEO Roundtable List

Previously, Westchester County submitted a revised report titled “Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice” to H.U.D. in July 2011. Link to PDFs of the report and report appendices below.

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice - July 2011 (Main Report)